Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Framed Art!

Here is an example of framed art. I just started using chalks with my cards. I really enjoy the ease in which you can use chalks with stamps. I even found out that you can use them with water and get a watercolor effect. So exciting to figure out. And STICKLES....wow I loved finding out that cute little tube of glittering sparkles. It really enhances the designs if used properly....can you really use too much glitter?? I think NOT! Well alright it can be over used......But with just the right amount of enhancement it can bring the art to life. I really enjoy making these....just need to invest in a good matte cutter with a metal guide.....been looking but not finding any! Any help in that area is greatly appreciated. I could go on and on...so I will just upload the pictures and be quiet about these for now!! I will be back with more soon!

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